Monday, 1 March 2010

Blondie - Atomic

It was listening to random tracks on my mp3 player and I had this song come on, Blondie has to be the pick of today, this tune is immaculate. Why did Debbie Harry have to get old, it's just unfair!  Her punkish style has been  mimicked through the decades (i was about to list the people I could think of but there were so many I gave up in the end....including Wendy James from Transvision Vamp.....better stop there) but here's the original and the best.

Blondie-Atomic - MyVideo


  1. Brilliant choice - The Tide is High was the 1st record I brought.

  2. oooo nice tune, wish my first record was as cool. I'm too embarrassed to say mine out loud!! It was that bad believe me

  3. ooooh come on - share. It could be your next post! :)
